

Posted by AMwell on on 23rd Feb 2022



Posted by AMwell on on 22nd Feb 2022

The human body possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself. The disease generally occurs when we abuse our bodies or deprive them of basic requirements to keep us healthy over extended periods.

The Cell and Its Amazing Ability to Heal Itself

Alternative medicine like Homeopathy was very recently approved in Switzerland.  Apart from the mainstream medicine: Homeopathy, lots of alternative and complementary medicines like Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda or Herbal Medicine are gaining momentum these days.  

The most fundamental unit of the human body is the cell. All human life originally begins as one single cell, which then divides into many more cells, until a baby is born after nine months of cell division inside the mother’s uterus.

By the time he grows as an adult, his body will have approximately 100 trillion cells. Every second that we are alive, the cells in our bodies are working endlessly to bring us back to a natural state of homeostasis or equilibrium. When we turn to medicines or physical manipulations of our body’s systems to heal us, we are really only facilitating our bodies’ natural ability to heal from within.

Each cell is a dynamic, living unit that is constantly monitoring and adjusting its own processes, ongoing working to restore itself according to the original DNA code it was created with and to maintain balance within the body.

Cells have the ability to heal themselves, as well as make new cells that replace those that have been permanently damaged. Even when a large number of cells are destroyed, the surrounding cells replicate to make new cells, thereby quickly replacing the cells that were destroyed.

Our body has a self-healing mechanism for example when a bleeding injury occurs anywhere in our bodies, blood vessels at the site contract and slow the bleeding. Next, blood platelets which come in contact with air, begin forming a blood clot where the injury is located. White blood cells then accumulate at the spot and destroy and digest dead cells by secreting special enzymes stored in small packets in the cells called lysosomes. That way, dead-cell debris is removed and new space is made for new cells to occupy.

Almost simultaneously, the process of new cell formation begins. These new cells originate mostly from the newer layers of cells of a particular tissue, while older cells are pushed to the site of the injury, to gradually fill the space that was made by the injury. This remarkable and complex process automatically stops when the healing is complete.

This healing process is not just for injuries. It also takes care of normal, everyday wear and tears. Damaged, destroyed or dead cells are replaced in great numbers daily from our skin, mouth, intestines, and blood.


Our biofield is an energy picture of our physical body. It is alive with information to regulate all our biological functions. Any alteration to our biofield can influence the cellular, molecular, atomic and even subatomic aspects of our health.

Stress, physical and emotional trauma, our environment, and even thoughts can create imbalances in our biofield. Actually all internal and external stimuli which have frequencies of their own can influence the biofield and in turn can generate emotional, mental, and physical symptoms.

The biofield, containing all the information of our immune system, works as the body’s defense system – just as a city would not be defended from within but from the outskirts.

Any imbalance first appears in our biofield, which later can develop as an illness in the physical body. When a lack of bioenergy becomes too great or incoherent, our defense system collapses and we become ill at our weakest point. We are healthy when the energy potential of our biofield is perfectly ordered and balanced thus vibrating at its optimum frequency.

    For The Healing Process, Our Body Requires:

  • The restoration of the Bio-field to bridge the gap between physical body and universal life force energy.
  • Enough energy in the cell as weak cells may not be able to effectively combat the illness.
  • The conservation of energy to facilitate the healing process


More and more, people are getting wise to the fact that many diseases are avoidable, and preventing them is within our control. Whether it’s the common cold or something more onerous such as heart disease or cancer, we have to work at keeping those illnesses away.

Leading healthy lifestyles and consuming healthful (as opposed to toxic) diets, will go a very long way in keeping us healthy, whether we are young or older.

Proper Sleep and Rest

The optimal amount of daily sleep for the average person is eight hours, and for a child, 11-12 hours. But the myriad responsibilities that many of us, adults and children alike, juggle in this modern day, make it so that many are robbing themselves of one of the most crucial elements of maintaining good physical, as well as mental/emotional health.

The body is endlessly working to repair and regenerate itself. This happens to a great extent when we are sleeping — when our body’s energy is only minimally being used to sustain autonomic nervous system function (that is, involuntary functions such as heartbeat), and most of it can be directed toward restorative and healing processes.

Science has come to understand that the human organism is not just a physical structure made of molecules; but is composed of energy fields vibrating, refreshing and exchanging information within and around the body.


Another way in which we can greatly improve our body’s powerful self-healing properties is by eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet.

It is important to minimize our consumption of processed foods, as well as artificial food additives, preservatives, colorants, flavors, etc.

A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds, and low in animal fats and hydrogenated oils, is best for all of us. Lean sources of protein such as beans are also great. Many nutritionists agree that eating raw vegetables is preferable to cooking them, as they have the most nutritional value when they’re in their raw state. However, lightly steaming vegetables is also good.

Organic foods are preferable over non-organic, as they have fewer traces of pesticides and growth hormones.

In addition, organic fruits and vegetables have been found to have higher contents of flavonoids, plant compounds with antioxidant properties believed to aid in the prevention of cancer.


Regular exercise strengthens and conditions the body’s cardiovascular network and helps reduce emotional stress. It also promotes better sleep. It can be a fun activity that the family can enjoy, such as bike-riding, or just a regular walk that will stimulate blood circulation, and help the body oxygenate and purify itself.

Each of us truly is in charge of our body’s health. And the more we work with our bodies, by giving them what they truly need, the less we will need to resort to…prescription medicines or doctor’s visits


If severe damage is done to any organs of the body, recovery may be impossible.

If you are a habitual smoker or a drinker, quitting them makes sense during recovery.

Recovery occurs only if your body is in a relaxed state. So, resting is important.

Undergoing Energy healing such as AFT Quantum Energy Healing also gives a great boost to stimulate the body to go in the Homeostatic state.

Before analyzing or trying anything new, consulting a doctor is important as none of the facts you read anywhere can give you a whole picture of your actual health condition.

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